Sunday, May 26, 2013

Some people are better left in your past

Palo Alto, California---I knew it was a gamble. To look up someone that may or may not be happy to see me. A cup of coffee later I felt so warm and fuzzy inside. Someone I cared about was doing great. It had been three years and a hundred years of experiences for both of us on different ends of the spectrum. But now, I knew that it was all okay.

The next day we planned to hike.  Something casual that would be about the beauty of this area and NOT starring across the table and purposely avoiding any talk of what we didn’t need to talk about.
And so I waited for him. 1 o’clock turned into 1:30 that turned into 2 and as I continued use the Starbucks wifi, I knew the truth I didn’t want to know. I should have left that stone covered.

He didn't show. I never heard back again. I checked online and nope, not dead. He may be okay or he may have been putting on an act. Regardless, it is and always has been his life and his live choices.

Some things, especially pain, is better left in your past.
For me, overall, I might not know exactly where I'm going with my life but I do know exactly what I'm doing in my life.

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